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Condition Reports

An interactive condition report to avoid disputes about damage on service vehicles in the workshop, or courtesy cars your customers have used

Interactive condition reports

Avoid disputes regarding damage to service vehicles whilst they have been in the workshop, or courtesy cars that have been out with customers on loan, with a digital condition report.

Easily pinpoint all defects and damage on a vehicle using the interactive vehicle image on the report, noting size, severity and cost if required. You can also add photos and videos of the actual damage for added clarity.

Completed digital condition reports are instantly available within the DragonDMS, where they can be emailed to your customer and viewed in case of query.

Ensure you maintain a good relationship with your customers with thorough vehicle condition checks to avoid these types of issues.

Workshop App Condition Report 2025
Interactive images to record damage on
Ability to add photos and videos of actual damage
Date/Time stamped to show actual condition at the time

Our workshop app can increase your profits,
help upsell work and save valuable time

Gain full control of your workshop and improve technician efficiencies with real-time service job tracking, vehicle health checks and improve trust with customer videos.

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