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DVLA ‘Essential Maintenance’ Means Cars Cannot Be Taxed This Weekend

16th August 2018

The DVLA will be shutting down its online vehicle taxing system and contact centre due to ‘essential systems maintenance’ for the whole of this weekend. As a result, car dealers need to be aware that if a customer buys a vehicle over the weekend, they will have to wait until Monday morning before they can tax and legally drive it.

The DVLA vehicle taxing system and contact centre will both be unavailable from 3pm Friday 17 August whilst the unspecified maintenance takes place, resuming on Monday 20 August at 6am, with their contact centre re-opening at 8am.

This means that vehicles cannot be taxed online, by phone or at post offices during that time. With the introduction in 2014 of the non-transferable tax on vehicles, any unexpired months of tax are lost, and the new owner must tax the vehicle afresh before they drive it or face fines.

The DVLA statement included a warning to prospective car buyers “Remember, it’s against the law to drive an untaxed vehicle on the road. If you buy a car during this weekend you won’t be able to tax it until 6am on Monday 20 August.”

If you have handovers taking place over this weekend, you’ll need to ensure the vehicles are taxed by 3pm Friday – if they aren’t taxed in time, it may mean an awkward conversation with your customers to explain that they won’t be able to drive their newly purchased vehicle until it can be taxed on Monday.

DVLA’s statement concluded with “We’re sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.”



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