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Live Enquiry To CRM

Enquiries about vehicles made on your website are routed straight into the CRM section within the Dragon2000 Dealer Management System.

Website Leads to your CRM

Any leads received via your website are routed directly into your CRM section in the DragonDMS.

Once received, the lead can be allocated to a sales consultant without any need for retyping of information, including the prospect’s details (email, phone number, etc.), the vehicle they are interested in and the full details about their part exchange.

Vehicle registration lookup (VRM) is also included on each website so that a prospect entering details about their vehicle can verify that it is the correct make and model – all of the vehicle details are then fed into our software.

2025 Dragondms
Never lose another website enquiry
Assign a Sales Person to follow up the lead

Take a look at our customer website portfolio

Over the years we've created hundreds of great looking websites for our happy customers.

If you're not happy with your current website or the service you receive,
get in touch to see how we can help.

Mixed Website Mockup